The Half Trend Indicator MT4 and Hull Moving Average Indicator MT4 indicators are very popular and often used as the main strategy element or as an extra filter. Yes, they are good and have been tested over time. We came to the conclusion that we had to create an EA that would use both indicators to place trades. We've added many useful features to the EA. Including timeframe options, in this case you're able to select two different timeframes to confirm the buy or sell trades, which is more versatile.
Buy signal: the Hull MA and Half Trend indicators must agree with each other in order to open the buy trade. For example, the Hull indicator just placed an "Arrow up" and the Half trend indicator is also bullish, the EA is now ready to place the buy trade. Or another scenario: the Half trend indicator just placed an "Arrow up," and the Hull indicator is also bullish, so the EA is now ready to place the buy trade.
Sell signal: the Hull MA and Half Trend indicators must agree with each other in order to open the buy trade. For example, the Hull indicator just placed an "Arrow down" and the Half trend indicator is also bearish, the EA is now ready to place the sell trade. Or another scenario: the Half trend indicator just placed an "Arrow down," and the Hull indicator is also bearish, so the EA is now ready to place the sell trade.
Input menu of the "Hull MA Half Trend Hybrid EA MT4."
Lot management options: choose one of the three lot managements and set it to true; the other two must be set to false.
Fixed lot: a simple fixed lot that is applied for each trade.
Martingale: start lot and a multiplier, EA will use a lot multiplier if the previous trade was in loss.
Risk management: select your desired risk percentage per trade, and the EA will automatically calculate the risk size. Stop loss must be used.
Trade comment: use it if you want to add a comment for each trade separately, for example, "Hull MA Half Trend Hybrid EA MT4".
Stop loss pips: set a stop loss in pips that will be used for each trade separately.
Take profit pips: set a take profit in pips that will be used for each trade separately.
Max open trades: for example, 10; this will result in a maximum of 10 trades being open at any given time.
BUY SELL REVERSED: With this feature, you can open buy trades instead of sell trades and sell trades instead of buy trades; it's essentially the inverse strategy option.
Close trade opposite signal: use it if you want to close a trade with an opposite signal.
Break even:
Pips on profit to enable: when the desired pips are reached, the break even is applied.
Offset pips from open price: the distance from the trade's open price; for example, by adding an extra 2 pips, you can avoid the size of the spread.
Trailing stop:
Trailing start pips: once the trade reaches this amount of profit, the trailing stop is activated.
Trailing stop pips: the trailing stop distance from the stop loss to the current price.
One trailing step: It's basically how often you want to refresh the trailing stop.
Trading time settings: simply select the time and weekdays on which you wish to trade.
Spread filter: Set the maximum allowable spread size in pips, and the EA will check it before starting the trade. If the spread size is too large, the EA won't place any new trades.
Email and smartphone app notifications: set it to true if you want to get a notification about each new trade.
Magic number: use the magic number rule if this EA is used in more than one chart. Read more.
After you have downloaded the files, insert them properly. Read more.
Download the DEMO version of the "Hull MA Half Trend Hybrid EA MT4" and try it in the strategy tester, before purchasing this forex trading robot MT4.
EA has the most used features; we don't want to add too much stuff to the original EA. So we offer custom updates for any of our EAs. You can easily order a custom update and adapt this EA to your specific needs. Contact us, and we will add some basic features for free after your purchase.
If you have any questions simply contact us and we will answer all your questions.
You're just one click away from having this EA!
Payment methods:Â PayPal, Credit Card, Skrill.
With a Paypal or credit card, you can purchase this EA by pressing the "Buy Now" button below. After your successful payment, please contact us, and we will send you a copy of the EA. Your EA will be delivered in a few hours or faster.
If you would like to purchase this EA with a Skrill account, please contact us. ​
This EA has no limits:
Lifetime license
Works with any timeframe
Works with any market
Friendly settings menu
Easy to set up
There are no any restrictions
Unlimited accounts
Updates available
Support 24/7
Best quality guaranteed
Our other "Hull MA" and "Half Trend" EAs: quality standards.